About Us
At Linarome, our top priority is providing you with the highest quality of care and support, ensuring you live each day with a smile on your face. We have a dedicated team of carefully vetted and selected carers and nurses who will be matched to you based on your specific care needs. Our goal is to deliver personalized and compassionate care that enhances your well-being and promotes a positive and fulfilling lifestyle. With Linarome, you can trust that you are in capable and caring hands.
Our Mision
At Linarome, our mission is to empower individuals to live fulfilling lives with dignity, independence, and exceptional care. We are dedicated to providing high-quality domiciliary care, supported living, and healthcare recruitment services across the UK.
Our passion is to provide care that is effective, responsive, caring and safe. The main priority will be the wellbeing of clients and this will be achieved by:
- Providing specialist multidisciplinary holistic assessment and management of clients’ needs and risks with comprehensive care planning, key working and specific interventions suited to individual needs, diversity and risks.
- Developing a community where anyone needing any type of their services or support will feel safe and confident in the services they provide and above all, express their satisfaction about the overall services received. All staff members share this belief and are supported to ensure that their mission is reflected in every aspect of the services they provide.
- Working autonomously and collaboratively to promote, improve, maintain and restore the health of their clients. Linarome aims to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of clients and to enable the clients to maintain their personal independence, have informed choices and opportunities to enjoy and contribute to society.
- Ensuring the right staff skill mixes are available to service users’ needs by investing in staff development to provide a progressive and expert workforce. To value each of their staff members equally for the expertise and experience they bring to the team and to provide their staff with a working environment within which effective teamwork, where appropriate, and personal and group development are actively encouraged and supported.
We provide support for people with :
Our clients range from 18+ to over 100 years of age. Some may simply require a companion whereas others may have severe physical or mental disabilities.
- Learning difficulties
- Severe physical disabilities
- Autistic spectrum conditions
- Complex needs
- Mental health problems
- A history of drug or alcohol dependency
- Personality Disorder
- Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers
- Higher Support needs